Sam in the morning with ToryLive from Los Angeles every weekday morning Sam and Tory bring you an entertaining and irreverent show that mixes a variety of the day's topics with…Sam In The Morning With DanniLive from Los Angeles every weekday morning Sam and Danni bring you an entertaining and irreverent show that mixes a variety of the day's topics with…Info
What do I say about myself on my own webpage? Wait, I could say anything I want: it's MY website! For the sake of good radio I won't tell you my entire life story here. Instead, I invite you discover who I am and what I'm about on the air. Rather than tell you, I'll show you. What drives me is an insatiable curiosity to know and do everything. And then pass on what I have learned to other people. Does that sound like someone who ought to be in radio?
In the past seven years I have had several co-hosts, each great in her own way. It's amazing how I have evolved on the air and the different directions I have taken over the years. I thank all of the listeners who have followed me through the various incarnations of my morning show, the reason this radio station was conceived. [email protected]